Thursday, May 3, 2007

I cook too!

This was the response I got when I announced to my little man that I was going to cook dinner. Everything these days he "does" too. "Mommy's tired". . ."I tired too", "Mommy needs to go potty". . ."I go potty too", "Mommy needs to cook dinner". . . "I cook too"!
So today I decided to make a memory. . we "cooked" Pumpkin bread together. It was fun!
(Yes, you really CAN take this many pictures of making Pumpkin Bread)
First stop: Wash our hands! Of course this Pumpkin bread was from a mix!
He helped mix it really good

So proud of himself
Pour it in the pan!
It had to bake for 45 minutes and EVERY 5 minutes he would say "Done yet??"
The finished product. . .Daddy said it was yummy!
And just a quick pic of Gavin's favorite time of the day. . when Daddy comes home to play!
Best part of today: Baking bread with my little chef. He loves to help! These are fun times. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed your posts! How'd the bread come out?