Sunday, September 2, 2007

Daddy's Home!


Our "song of the day" on Friday went. . .

Daddy's comin' home today
Daddy's comin' home today
Daddy's comin' home today
Hip, Hip, Hooray!!

Dave returned at 12:10am Friday evening from a 10 day venture to California. His employer sent him to the west coast to assist with some special projects. He had an exhausting 10 day trip, working 80+ hours last week alone. That and the time change has led to one tired Daddy!! We've spent the weekend relaxing, resting and playing at home. It's been wonderful!!

Dave enjoyed the opportunity to visit the sunny state of California, and got to see some wonderful sites, including Sacramento, San Fransisco, the Golden Gate Bridge and more. He was thankful for the experience, but glad to be home again.

Welcome home Daddy!! We missed you!

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